"Amra Ekta Cinema Banabo" is the longest non-experimental film ever made, with a runtime of 1265 minutes (21 hours 5 minutes).
"Resan" is 2nd in the list of longest movie ever made. Resan is Swedish film with a runtime of 873 minutes (14 hours 33 minutes).
"La Flor" is 3rd in the list of longest movie ever made. This is an Argentine film with a runtime of 803 minutes (13 hours 23 minutes).
"Out 1" is 4th in the list of longest movie ever made. This is a French film with a runtime of 775 minutes (12 hours 55 minutes).
"How Yukong Moved the Mountains" is 5th in the list of longest movie ever made. This is a Chinese documentary with a runtime of 763 minutes (12 hours 43 minutes).
"Evolution of a Filipino Family" is 6th in the list of longest movie ever made. This is a Philippine film with a runtime of 593 minutes (9 hours 53 minutes).
"Shoah" is 7th in the list of longest movie ever made. This is a French documentary with a runtime of 566 minutes (9 hours 26 minutes).
"Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks" is 8th in the list of longest movie ever made. This is a Chinese documentary with a runtime of 551 minutes (9 hours 11 minutes).
"Death in the Land of Encantos" is 9th in the list of longest movie ever made. This is a Philippine film with a runtime of 538 minutes (8 hours 58 minutes).
"Heremias: (Book One: Legend of the Lizard Princess)" is last in list. It is a Philippine film with a runtime of 519 minutes (8 hours 39 minutes).